
In industries like Feed, Food, Petfood, Aquafeed, Premix, and Trading, managing raw material variability is a significant hurdle. These sectors often grapple with fluctuating raw material quality while striving to uphold product standards and production regulations. 

Balancing cost-effectiveness with the demand for high-quality end products is an enduring challenge. Conventional approaches rely on large safety margins, which can inflate raw material expenses, eating into profit margins. 

Maintaining operational efficiency requires continuous manual adjustments and meticulous monitoring of production processes. Ensuring that production orders align with production rules and restrictions is a complex task, necessitating extensive human intervention. 

PROCISION - Revolutionizing Raw Material Optimization, unleashing cost efficiency, and automating operations

  • Introducing PROCISION, a game-changing solution designed to address these industry challenges. PROCISION tackles complex raw material variability by integrating real-time data on individual lot quality and prices, allowing for the optimization of production orders to consistently meet required specifications. 

  • Unleashing Cost Efficiency Through Dynamic Optimization: PROCISION eliminates the need for excessive safety margins by optimizing production orders based on the real price and quality of raw material lots. This innovative approach reduces raw material costs while maintaining product quality. 

  • Automating and Streamlining Operations: PROCISION's automation streamlines the optimization process by integrating production rules and aligning production orders with production line limitations and logistic priorities. This automation significantly reduces the need for manual adjustments, enhancing operational efficiency. 

PROCISION: What’s in it for animal feed producers? 

  • Cost Savings: By optimizing raw material utilization and reducing safety margins, PROCISION helps lower raw material costs, subsequently boosting overall profitability. 

  • Consistent Quality: PROCISION ensures that your products maintain a consistent quality standard, enhancing customer satisfaction, and gaining a competitive edge in the market. 

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Simplifying and streamlining operations, PROCISION makes the production process more efficient, minimizing errors, and ensuring a smooth workflow. 

  • Transparency and Traceability: PROCISION provides a clear overview of all optimized production orders, improving traceability. This transparency is vital for quality control and compliance in industries with stringent regulations. 

  • Adaptability: In a fluctuating market, PROCISION equips your business to adapt to changes in raw material quality and pricing, ensuring that you remain agile and competitive. 

Incorporating PROCISION into your operations not only effectively addresses industry challenges but also delivers tangible benefits that directly impact your bottom line, product quality, and operational efficiency. It's a win-win solution that can revolutionize your business.