The Russian invasion of Ukraine is putting pressure on global food supplies. Over the past few days, several customers have asked us how they can quickly replace ingredients from Russia and Belarus in their recipes. Thanks to its handy search function, BESTMIX® Recipe Management can immediately call up these raw materials in one generic overview, so you can take action.

Russia and Ukraine are among the largest agricultural and food producers in the world. Many food manufacturers use ingredients from those countries in their recipes, and the current crisis is causing supply insecurity from the region. As a food producer, you need to be able to switch quickly when a particular raw material is no longer available. In addition, more and more retailers are banning Russian and Belarusian products from their shelves for ethical reasons. Several food manufacturers are also voluntarily opting to eliminate ingredients of Russian origin from their recipes.

search replace

Quick overview by country of origin

The search function in BESTMIX® Recipe Management allows you to quickly and easily list all ingredients and products from a specific region in one go. You don’t have to manually search recipe by recipe for Russian raw materials; instead you can immediately generate an overview per country.

Tip: BESTMIX® SpecTrack is a valuable tool that allows you to generate a complete dataset with country of origin. Thanks to our specification software, you can require suppliers to upload the details of their raw materials via a predefined template in your customer portal. You immediately have a centralized and complete picture. Of course, it’s also possible to further supplement and enrich this data. All entered and supplied data can also be reviewed within the ecosystem of our BESTMIX® software solutions.

Need help? Our experts are here for you!

Origin-based search functionality is a standard feature in the most recent version of BESTMIX® Recipe Management. If you have any questions about the search function or if you’d like to switch to BESTMIX® Recipe Management version 3.38, please contact our support team via the helpdesk.